(907) 929-8052
Accredited Calibration Laboratory
The ANSI National Accreditation Board periodically audits us to assure you that we fulfill the requirements of
ISO/IEC 17025:2017
In the field of
Alaska Metrology & Calibration Services
- We are a small business in Anchorage, AK.
- Hours 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday.
Voight-Kampff Style Testing Services
For a fee, we can conduct a VK style test. This testing provides assurance, that your tools do not express empathy.
Michelson-Morley Experiment
they could have cut their losses at the conclusion of the experiment and listed the interferometer on 19th-century-ebay as
Torque Wrench Calibrations
Our specialty is the Craftsman model 1019 Laboratory Edition Signature Series torque wrench. These are the kind used by Caltech high energy physicists and NASA engineers If you have dripping sink faucet and want to apply maximum torque, then our calibration can assure dead-on balls accuracy.
Ship of Theseus Instrument Repairs:
- We track the history of calibrations and repairs of your instruments using unique ID numbers.
- If your equipment requires replacement parts, then after the repair, your equipment will retain it’s original ID number.
- Eventually, we can replace every part in your instrument and still refer to it by the original ID number.
- Viola! that great physics conundrum is resolved.
Pharaoh Khufu Calibration Recall Notices:
- Royal Egyptian Cubits can be calibrated.
- Calibration Cycles are set to once every full-moon, per original spec’s
- Penalties for not recalibrating is severe source
SCADA System Programming:
We have years of experience building and programming and commissioning a variety of SCADA Control systems. We offer two options:
- 1 if by LAN
- 2 if by C:\
Scale Calibrations:
- Fish are easy to weigh since they come with their own scales.
- Did you notice Loki trying to weigh the Tesseract in the back of that moving truck? So did we…